This is next to my computer in the store and was supposed to be a place to stick notes about orders and to-do lists but it ended up slowly becoming a hodge-podge of things I love:
1. My feline sons. Very important.
2. A little piece of beading and prong set rhinestones from a dress that likely disintegrated years ago.
3. Vintage corsage pin.
4. Skeleton key escutcheon that I printed out for a tattoo a long time ago (but ended up going with a different one).
5. Little 13 cents general store price sign...I'd love to know what cost 13 cents (13 is my favorite number).
6. Lucille Ball. Enough said.
7. My maternal Grandma. RIP.
8. Fredrick and Nelson tag out of a 1950s coat I ruined cleaning and still feel guilty about. My Great-Grandma in #16 worked there for a little bit in the cafe.
9. 1920s photo of two girls holding hands.
10. Business card for a local store I like.
11. Original tag off a (formerly) NOS 1950s dress in my collection.
12. Razorblade for annoying customers. And also scrapping sticker residue off things.
13. Photo out of the album that I got when I was 11 that I credit kicking off my love of all things old. The woman in the photo was the owner of the album.
14. Playing card that was in an order from
simplychictiques on Etsy (one of my favorite stores on there).
15. 1955 Buick ad (my favorite car).
16. My Great-Grandma (right) and Great-Great Grandma.
17. Lady Luck sticker that I bought to put on the wing window of my Falcon...three years ago.
18. A (copy of a) 1934 picture of the building my store is in (in the basement). It was taken by the mother of an employe of the antique mall on April 21st (which happens to be my wedding anniversary) right after it was built. There has been an addition added to the left side and other things built around it but other than that it looks pretty much the same...
19. A 1951 baby picture of my Dad with his Grandparent's (his Grandma in #16) cat Zeke...one of my favorite pictures ever.
20. 1950s ads for bust cream.
21. A 1969 reciept for fabric I just can't throw away. Found in a much older chest that I use to hold the linens in the store.
22. Random bride on phone from a magazine, I think it's from a movie.
23. A mysterious 1950s mug shot that I found at the Goodwill Outlet.